At this rate, Steve Hansen won't have to worry about a team-talk at Twickenham. As if putting last year's defeat to England right wasn't enough, the All Blacks' coach has had to put up with what he called a "breach of protocol'' from an English journalist for which the team's management have given themselves an "uppercut''.
A more pressing issue as kick-off approaches in the early hours of Sunday could be to keep a lid on the emotions within the All Blacks' camp.
Telegraph writer Oliver Brown's actions in stumbling into a team room at the All Blacks' London hotel early this week and writing about what he found on whiteboards and handouts - including the team's apparent wish to be "the most dominant team in the world'' - has predictably not gone down well with Hansen, although he was restrained in his first meeting with the English press since the story broke.
More All Blacks v England
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"When there's a breach of trust by you guys it's always disappointing because we're trying to work together. It's no big deal. I just wish he'd asked me what it all meant because what he wrote didn't make sense.''