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Watch NZH Focus: All Blacks Dragons' Den
New Zealand

Watch NZH Focus: All Blacks Dragons' Den

The All Blacks have the chance to make history tomorrow night when they take on Australia at Eden Park. But just down the road, there was a challenge of another kind today, when three All Blacks entered the Dragons’ Den at Wesley Intermediate. Brodie Retallick, Sam Whitelock and Ben Smith were part of a judging panel to choose the best of five business ideas pitched to them by nine students. The exercise was designed to bring to life the students’ financial literacy lessons in front of a powerhouse judging panel. The business proposals included everything from decorated plates to chocolate cupcakes to upcycled furniture. But in the end it was 13 year old Hanok Yerga’s 3-D Soccer Board game that won the day and the $100 prize. “The ideas were awesome and the students were really passionate in the way they pitched their ideas,” said All Black Lock Sam Whitelock. “It’s certainly an unusual way to prepare for a test match but it’s been awesome to spend time with such cool kids.”