Images of Ben Henry smiling after the Warriors' record 62-6 defeat to the Panthers have been replayed on TV screens countless times since the week but not as often as they have run through Henry's mind.
Henry was one of a handful of players seen smiling, laughing and joking with Penrith players just seconds after their humiliating defeat last Saturday night. It angered fans and cast the club in an extremely poor light.
A lot of damage was done in the 80 minutes of that match but arguably even more in the 80 seconds afterwards.
Henry was unaware of the impact of those scenes until the 21-year-old centre returned to New Zealand the following day and walked into the furore.
"It wasn't until the day after that I got back here that I saw my face in the newspaper smiling,'' Henry said. "It is never my intention to not care. In the Penrith team there are a lot of players I used to play with. I was catching up with one of them and was smiling. I get it that it's a professional environment and fans and members take it that way. I apologise for that. It was never my intention to not care.