Some described it as the week from hell and at times the latest Warriors league mayhem felt like a controversy too far. But as game day approached, the spirits lifted - it was time to enjoy the whacky Warriors yet again.
From the boardroom war to Sky league commentator Daryl Halligan's unmatched ability to mangle the English language, the Warriors are one crazy circus. Chief executive Wayne Scurrah has even promised to quit the club if it doesn't make the finals, which means the man has probably staked his career on the bounce of a ball ... or something even less certain like Manu Vatuvei catching the ball. And when did promising to streak up Queen St on a punt go out of fashion?
But hey - at least the Warriors are interesting. In a funny way, they should welcome all the media coverage stemming from the sacking of coach Matt Elliott and co-owner Owen Glenn igniting a loony war of words.
The time for the Warriors to really worry is when people stop talking about them. And compared with rugby's overblown and dull Super 15, the madcap NRL is a winner.