Sportswriting takes on a twist when it brings you face-to-face with childhood heroes.
Bryan Williams was a very clear first among my sports hero equals. I'd talked to him briefly over the years, but this was a chance to meet and look back at his career, and particularly the part Ponsonby plays in his life.
"Your standards must have been a bit low," he said in typically self-deprecating style, on hearing his boyhood hero status. We agreed to disagree on that.
Bryan and Lesley Williams live next to Cox's Bay reserve where he is often spied putting out the ropes and corner flags or doing any of the other menial jobs essential in a sports club. Over the years many people - from those on the periphery to others such as Auckland coach Paul Feeney who also idolised Williams as a kid - have expressed their enhanced admiration on observing the way a test star like Williams continues to roll up the sleeves for his club.
Williams says: "I call this a labour of love. This is where my roots have been. I've been part of this club for 54 years and it is a passion. I don't mind doing those things ... someone did them for me when I was playing. I've never been too proud to carry out manual tasks.