Anthea Gunner's love of horses has taken her to places many can only dream about - both in terms of nightmares you just wish you could wake up from and dreams you hope never end.
On a rainy Wellington day in 2006, Gunner was leading her horse up a narrow track when it slipped down a bank and crushed her against a rock. The accident left her paralysed from the waist down.
Just nine weeks later, and to the amazement of her Burwood hospital staff, Gunner was back in the saddle. From there the word rehabilitation and horses were never far apart.
"That was the one thing that wasn't negotiable when I broke myself, I'm getting back on a horse," the 30-year-old said. "I don't care how I do it I'm going to do it and here we are."
Here is the Paralympics, which start in London on Thursday, and Gunner will take part in the dressage. It's not an event she saw herself specialising in when a youngster growing up in equestrian.