While the sport is making good strides towards professionalism in this part of the world, with increased commercial opportunities, elsewhere the going is slow.
Jamaica, considered a top tier nation, has only just appointed its first fulltime administrator.
Recognising the massive disparity that exists between the haves and the have nots in world netball the international netball federation (INF) has several principles in place which the organisers of the Sydney event must meet.
The most challenging of those is that the tournament must be no longer than 10 days because, given the limited resources in the sport, most teams cannot fund their stay for anything beyond that.
It is probably no surprise, then, that it took 36 drafts before the taskforce charged with revamping the format came up with a workable solution.
The result is a bit of a strange old system, where the top two nations are grouped in the same pool alongside the ninth and 10th ranked teams, while number three, four, 11 and 12 are in the next pool and so forth.
After the preliminary rounds they will be re-ranked from 1-16, with the top eight and bottom eight breaking off for qualifying rounds before the traditional semifinal and final format.
It's not perfect by any means, but it will ensure there are competitive matches from the outset of the tournament creating an event your casual sports fan will want to go to, and broadcasters will want to screen.
The last one is especially important. The only way for netball to break out of that difficult space where the smaller, under-resourced nations are slowing the development of the global game is to invest in those regions. But to do so, the sport's pinnacle event needs to start returning a healthy profit.
It's a conundrum netball administrators have faced for some time: it is hard convincing sponsors and broadcasters to invest when it is not a truly global game; but they cannot grow the game around the world without that money.
There is already work under way in Africa and INF has appointed a development manager in Asia, but there is still significant ground to make up. Until they do so the World Cup format will remain an imperfect system for an imperfect game.