White is the man behind the UFC; the man who brought us Conor McGregor vs Khabib Nurmagomedov and is now desperate to convince us that all the pre-match, post-match, re-match cat fighting involved is just an unfortunate, unplanned, impromptu consequence of the emotional rollercoaster these fighters ride.
Dana - with all due respect, mate, what in fact is stupid is you.
Thinking we're so stupid we can't see through the theatrics, aren't swayed by the shenanigans, that we know this isn't reality so much as reality tv.
And I admit, I am a rubbernecker. The guy who slows down to gawk, to get a better look at all the carnage caused. The only difference with this car crash is it involves only the people and not their people-movers.
Sport's most scandalous soap opera is as much about the off-court antics as it is anything that occurs in the octagon.
And Dana White doesn't just know this, he deliberately, wilfully, shamelessly exploits it.
Khabib Nurmagomedov forced Conor McGregor to tap out to retain the UFC lightweight title. Photo / Getty Images
No I don't think that Sunday's post-match punch up was planned as such, but I do believe all parties involved were always encouraged to act up, behave badly, create as much mayhem as possible with making the front page a mandatory cash bonus for all concerned.
Pre-match. Post-match. Re-match.
That is what is really going on here.
UFC isn't a sport so much as show business. It's the hottest entertainment ticket in globe town and far from putting people off, the posturing pretend push and shove is half the reason why people watch.
Me? I can't stand the sport. The pub brawl brutality is off-putting enough while so-called athletes like McGregor are a joke. Next time you want to pretend you can box mate go ask Robert de Niro who his method coach was on Raging Bull because his acting made you look like Nathan Astle in the Fujitsu ads.
But, here am I talking about it, reading about it, clicking on it, doing exactly what it is Dana White wants. Perhaps he's right after all?
Because no one is forcing any of us to follow this sham.
Just like the UFC itself, we're free to tap out anytime we want.
The fact we don't or won't is maybe what he was secretly insinuating?
You are right Mr White, we are stupid. And every second we give this circus only confirms your marketing genius.