Abit like kids unwrapping their Christmas presents, a number of sports will feel delighted, others disappointed and some a little disconnected after the latest round of funding was announced yesterday.
High Performance Sport New Zealand announced a slightly different structure to previous cycles with 12 sports fitting into the targeted category, and those 12 will receive 81 per cent of the pot of $31 million annually. Athletes or teams in 15 other sports slot into campaign investment and will receive a much smaller slice of the pie, and $15 million will also be allocated to individual athletes through things like performance enhancement grants (PEGs) and Prime Minister's scholarships.
Inevitably given their success at the London Olympics, rowing ($18.4 million over four years), bike ($15.6 million) and yachting ($11.2 million) sit at the top table of funding and are regarded as tier 1 targeted sports.
Below that are athletics ($7.6 million), equestrian ($7.2 million), men's rugby sevens ($4.8 million) and netball ($4.8 million) in tier 2 and canoe sprint ($4.8 million) triathlon ($5.6 million), women's hockey ($5.2 million), Paralympics ($5.9 million) and Winter Olympics ($6.86 million) in tier 3.