FIFA ethics chief Hans-Joachim Eckert will make a public statement tomorrow over the inquiry into the controversies plaguing the bidding processes for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.
The author of the report, former US federal prosecutor Michael Garcia has long campaigned for the details to be made public as concerns rocket over allegations of corruption in the two events being staged by Russia and Qatar respectively.
Australia initially led a chorus for a revote after losing out to Qatar for the rights to hold the 2022 World Cup, declaring that corruption allegations against Qatar were a "serious development".
"Chairman of the Ethics Committee's adjudicatory chamber (Hans-Joachim Eckert) confirms statement will be made public on Thurs 13 Nov at approx. 10am CET," said FIFA on its Twitter account.
"Tomorrow's statement relates to investigatory chamber's inquiry on 2018/22 #WorldCup bidding process. It will be published @FIFAcom."