Here's a tip for the dissatisfied women footballers of the world.
If Fifa is the misogynist devil you portray it to be, set up your own world football organisation and get on with making the women's game all you think it can be. If you are free to think and act for yourselves, women's football can find avenues Fifa is incapable of travelling down. Design your own future, and maybe even redesign the actual game.
Sportspeople with a genuine gripe and a bold new vision - think league, cricket, darts, league again - have split from their rulers down the years with interesting and positive results.
Sepp Blatter's Fifa is copping it from all sides again, this time for daring to run the women's World Cup on artificial surfaces in Canada next year. At a pre-draw press conference in Ottawa at the weekend, Fifa secretary-general Jerome Valcke refused to be cowed, which of course will only lead to more anti-Fifa ire.
Leading women players are taking Fifa to a human rights tribunal alleging gender discrimination because men - they claim - would never be subjected to the same, which draws a wee giggle.