Lockdown has given trail runners a renewed appreciation for the outdoors. Photo / 123rf
Lockdown has given trail runners a renewed appreciation for the outdoors. Photo / 123rf
As New Zealand edges possibly closer to alert level 3, trail runners are reflecting on nearly a month of local road runs and plenty of kilometres logged in their own backyards.
Details of what alert level 3 would look like were unveiled by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern this week and a decision about whether the country will move down to that level next week will be announced on Monday.
If the move to level 3 goes ahead, trail runners might be able to regain access to their beloved trails - provided they continue to comply with social distancing measures.
At level 4, people could only access trails for running if they were local and people could run to them from their house.
At level 3, New Zealanders will be able to drive locally to go somewhere for exercise, including running and mountain biking.
Lockdown has given trail runners a renewed appreciation for the outdoors. Photo / 123rf
It's welcome news for trail runners all over the country whose running shoes have been clean for a few weeks now.
For many, it's been a painful reminder to never take access to the outdoors for granted.
A thread on the Wild Things NZ Facebook group, the country's largest online trail running club, highlights how much runners are missing their access to New Zealand's nature and wild spaces.
"When this is all over, what, if anything, will you do differently as a trail runner?" was the question posted in the group.
For many, the lockdown was a chance to renew their love and commitment for running, now that it's been temporarily taken from them (or severely restricted).
"I will not take distance for granted in future. Those rainy, windy days when a 20k run in the hills feel too much of an effort. No effort any more," one person commented.
Others pointed out they are looking forward to the day they get to run with other people again.
"Although I'm generally a solo runner, I've been missing running with others more than I expected," another group member commented.
"Rain or shine I'll pause, look up and take in the view and what's around me," someone else replied.
"I'll never take being able to run trails for granted again ... will come out of this with a greater appreciation of what we have to train in," another person said.
"I'm so impressed with how resilient and mentally tough runners (and others) are, thrown this massive curve ball and most just adapt and start running around their backyards," a group member responded, adding that "it's raised the bar for what we consider 'hard times', given us a chance to stop and reflect and taught us in a very short time to be extremely grateful for the trails, our friends and our freedom to explore".
Runners also said they would be more mindful of "buying NZ-made running gear" when possible. "Gotta support locally made, now more than ever."