Joseph Parker needs to win this fight against Dillion Whyte. And not just win but win it well.
He needs to be decisive, aggressive, impressive. Because everything we know about Whyte is that he will fight. This guy is not a pugilist, hes a puncher.
He likes to whack and isn't afraid of getting a smack back. Jump on YouTube, those seven rounds of Whyte vs Anthony Joshua will tell you everything you need to know about the menace that awaits our man Joseph on Sunday morning NZT.
Whyte doesn't tap dance. He doesn't jab and lean, he doesn't hold, he doesn't look too score points, his style would be best described as brawler.
Imagine the bad guy in any of the Rocky movies and that's who Parker's opponent is. A big bad bruiser who wants to knock you out. And that's also the only way he knows how.