Australian cricket may have Andrew Symonds, who certainly stands out in a crowd, but New Zealand bowls can go one better than Symonds - Ian Neary.
Symonds has earned many nicknames from cricket fans and opponents - not all complimentary for his dreadlocks and clown-like lip sun repellent - but in the traditionally conservative surroundings of a bowling green, Neary says he gets nothing but praise for his warlike zinc face covering.
This week Neary has shone at the National Open Bowls Championships at Pakuranga in more ways than one. Not only has he been a colourful beacon on the greens but he and Okahu Bay partner Danny O'Connor have played outstanding bowls, reaching the quarter-finals of the men's pairs before bowing out to internationals Richard Girvan and Ali Forsyth.
But what about that warpaint?
"It's simple really," Neary said. In the mid-eighties I was playing in a tournament and got quite sunburnt and called into a chemist to get some zinc. They had no white zinc - only colours. I turned up at the club, all painted up and an official was horrified, saying I couldn't play like that.
"I said there's nothing to say I can't, so I did, and it's all carried on from there."
Neary's something of a fashion icon in bowls, varying his colour selection.
"I get all sorts of comments - most, favourable. It's great because I'm out there to enjoy myself. I don't want to get burnt so I might as well look good at the same time."
Neary says he hopes he brightens up the sport. "You've got to have characters in all sports."
Neary stands out even as he arrives at the bowling club, driving his pristine 1959 Ford Fairlane Skyline hard-top convertible, which he restored over three years. Last year his pride and joy carried off the New Zealand Hot Rod Association's national championship for a street machine convertible.
At the end of the road, though, Neary's more than a handy bowler and this week he's certainly shown that. In the past he's been an Auckland representative, has won "a couple of centre titles" and 15 club titles.