Russell Meyer will be making a last-ditch attempt for a spot in the New Zealand team for next year's world bowls championships when he plays in a three-test series against Scotland in Christchurch beginning today.
New Zealand and Scotland play three men's and three women's tests over the next three days.
The world championships will be held in January in Christchurch and, like Ireland 10 days ago, Scotland are here to check out the Christchurch greens and conditions.
New Zealand completed a clean sweep over Ireland 10 days ago with the men and women winning their respective series 3-0.
Meyer plays for Cabramatta in the Sydney premier league and has fellow New Zealanders Peter Belliss, Rowan Brassey, Richard Girvan, Gary Lawson and Andrew Todd for clubmates.
"If I hadn't come back to Sydney [from Britain] for the premier league, I wouldn't have had much chance of getting into the team," Meyer said.
Meanwhile, Wendy Jensen, who beat Irish world champion Margaret Johnston in three consecutive matches while appearing for the national development team, has been promoted to the senior side where she will play second in the triples and the fours against Scotland.
The Scotland men are led by Willie Wood, who has played in seven Commonwealth Games and all world championships to date.
Other members of the team are Scottish outdoor singles champion and British Isles triples champion Billy Mellors, Colin Peacock, Wayne Hogg, the world junior singles champion, and Ian McLean, 23.