Jet lag isn't just frustrating; it's also potentially dangerous. Sleep deprivation, even in the short term, can seriously impact your mind and body at a time when you need them the most.
Jet lag has far more effects than you may expect. Flying across time zones can cause our internal body clock to become out of sync, affecting the regular function of mind and body. It can also upset our cognitive abilities, our metabolism and even our digestive health.
Top 5 tips to beat jet lag
1. Resist napping
A midday nap can be irresistible, especially if you didn't sleep a wink on the plane. But it's important to align your sleeping pattern to the local time zone. That said, it's never a good idea to soldier on if you're falling asleep on your feet; schedule a relaxing first day and leave serious sightseeing until you're fighting fit.
2. Feel the sun
Sunlight is an essential ingredient in resetting circadian rhythms. If you land in the morning and hide away in your hotel room for the rest of the day, you won't allow your body to adjust to the local time zone.
3. Eat at the right times
If you land in the morning feeling completely out of rhythm, one of the best ways to set your body on its natural course is to feed it correctly. That means a nutritious breakfast at 7am, lunch at midday and dinner a few hours before bed - just as you would normally do at home.
4. Melatonin supplement
There's no magic pill for jet lag but some researchers believe over-the-counter supplements containing melatonin can be beneficial in subduing its effects. Alon Avidan, director of the UCLA Sleep Disorders Centre, says a low dose of melatonin supplement can help.
5. Drink water and avoid alcohol
Air travel can cause dehydration, which can be amplified when you're suffering the effects of jet lag. Stay hydrated and give your body the best chance to restore. Some people believe that alcohol can cure just about anything, but when it comes to avoiding jet lag, this definitely isn't the case. Alcohol reduces sleep quality, can cause dehydration, and can leave you feeling groggy and irritable when you land.
Top 5 mobile phone apps to help with jet lag
1. A Soft Murmur
Apps like a Soft Murmur can create a calming mix of ambient sounds to drown out the noise of the plane. Whether it's rolling thunder, pattering rain or the warming crackle of a fireplace, you can use the app to doze off in peace.
2. SeatGuru
The SeatGuru app provides a database of customer reviews on the quality of individual plane seats on all kinds of aircraft, so you can make an informed decision about which seat will give you the best chance of in-flight shut-eye.
3. Entrain
Our bodies rely on light to regulate our circadian rhythm. The Entrain app by the University of Michigan aims to alert travellers when they should seek and avoid light to restore the body to the local time zone.
4. Jet Lag Rooster
Like Entrain, Jet Lag Rooster aims to inform travellers of their light requirements and offers a strategic sleeping schedule based on your travel plans.
5. Neuroon Open
Neuroon isn't an application that can be downloaded to your smartphone – it's an eye mask equipped with sensors to track your sleep patterns. The device gathers sleep data, shows you a personalised 'sleep score' and provides tips based on your brainwaves.
How to avoid getting jet lag
● Prepare your body for a change in time zones a few days before you fly. This could mean adjusting your bedtime or meal schedule.
● The medical community generally agrees flying east to west is easier on the body clock than the opposite direction. So if you're travelling west and expecting to lose a few hours of the day, take extra steps to adjust your body clock beforehand.
● Nighttime flights are not always best - getting a good night's sleep in the sky is far easier said than done.
● Movies won't help you to fall asleep - the light and sound stimulation of a screen in close proximity to your face will prevent your brain from unwinding, and it's proven that screen time can disrupt sleep.
● Stretch the legs - exercise is key in regulating your body, and even a few walks up the aisles can help.
● Eat light onboard. One study even suggests that fasting while flying can help your body adjust to a new time zone when you land.
● Layer your clothing, wear breathable fabrics and prioritise comfort over style.
For more great travel tips and advice, visit Southern Cross Travel Insurance
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