When Kate Locke, Director at Next Technology, first thought about getting ultra-fast fibre broadband around two and a half year ago, she put it in the too-hard basket - even though she knew Next Technology would benefit from having fibre installed.
"It was difficult to get information from various companies that were offering it and they said it was going to take three and a half months," Kate says. "So we just continued using hard drives to transport stuff."
Kate's story isn't unique. After asking their customers what would make the move to fibre easier, Vodafone discovered that what businesses really wanted was someone they could work with to make sure their installation went smoothly.
That's where Vodafone's Fibre Install Managers come in, working with new fibre customers to get everything up and running as quickly as possible, solving any problems that might come up, and making sure their business doesn't get interrupted - all the while staying in touch regularly throughout the process. And they're always available via direct email or phone.
"She was a vital representative for us, and a good consistent point of contact," Kate says of the Fibre Install Manager assigned to Next Technology, Charmaine Micklewright. "She always persevered and resolved problems. Vodafone's offering clients a very valuable service."
From Charmaine's perspective, she's there to guide customers on their journey. "It's about listening to our customers and knowing what they want," Charmaine says. "I email or call often to give them regular updates and make sure I'm on top of everything they need."
If you'd like your own dedicated Fibre Install Manager to take responsibility for your business' fibre set up, free of charge, just sign up to any Vodafone Business Fibre plan.
Visit www.vodafone.co.nz/fibreforbusiness to find out more.