The Flag Consideration Panel has released the official list of 40 flag designs from which they'll select the four alternative flag designs. In an open letter to all New Zealanders, the Panel has explained how the designs were chosen, and what happens next.
E ngā iwi, e ngā karangatanga, te iti me te rahi, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou
We want to thank everyone for the 10,292 designs you've suggested. Each of these was viewed by every Panel member. We have been impressed with the very high standard and greatly appreciate the thought and hard work that went into these designs. As a Panel, we have now selected a long list of designs for further investigation as part of the design review process.
A great flag should be distinctive and so simple it can be drawn by a child from memory. A great flag is timeless and communicates swiftly and potently the essence of the country it represents. A flag should carry sufficient dignity to be appropriate for all situations in which New Zealanders might be represented. It should speak to all Kiwis. Our hope is that New Zealanders will see themselves reflected in these flag's symbols, colour and stories.