The site of the new industrial subdivision on Northside Drive near Westgate town centre.
The site of the new industrial subdivision on Northside Drive near Westgate town centre.
Half the lots have already sold or are under contract in a new industrial subdivision now under development by The Neil Group near the new Westgate town centre.
A total of 14 lots ranging in size from 1741sq m to 6244 sq m are being created in the project at Northside Drive, Westgate.
"The lots sold so far have been purchased by owner occupiers, developers and one investor," says Grant Miller of Bayleys' West Auckland division who, with Mike Adams, Bayleys' West Auckland commercial and industrial manager, is marketing the sites.
Miller says owner occupier purchasers include a clothing business intending to amalgamate its Henderson and North Shore businesses into a new building of about 1000 sq m.. Another is a West Auckland construction company which will establish its head office and equipment base on its site.
The remaining sites range from 2000 sq m to 4476 sq m and are priced from around $500 per sq m for a prime road front site at the entranceway to the subdivision to $330 per sq m for a rear lot. Miller says there is some flexibility to adjust some of the site sizes or combine lots to suit a purchaser's requirements.
Earthworks for the project are well underway and it is expected roading will be in place and titles issued by the end of the year which will enable purchasers to start building. The sites will have power, water and telecommunications at the boundary.
A council storm water retention pond is part of an ecological open space reserve that will flank one side of the subdivision making for a pleasant park-like ambience, says Miller. "Building covenants in the sales and purchase agreements will ensure that construction is of a high standard which will enhance the quality and maintain the integrity of this development."
The land is currently zoned Massey North Special Employment Area and has a Light Industry zoning under the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan. The zone provides for light industrial activities that do not generate objectionable odour, dust or noise emissions. These include light manufacturing, production, storage, transport, logistics and distribution activities.
Adams says the new industrial subdivision is located in the fast-growing precinct of Westgate (formerly Massey North) about 1.5 kilometres north of the Westgate Shopping Centre. Under development nearby are the early stages of the $1 billion zoned Westgate town centre master planned by NZ Retail Property Group in conjunction with Auckland Council to service massive projected population growth in the area.
Approximately two kilometres from end to end, the 46 ha, Mixed Use-zoned town centre will contain a variety of commercial, retail, leisure and entertainment buildings, apartments and terraced housing. The centre will incorporate a new 3500 sq m library, underground bus station and other community facilities positioned around a town square along with six hectares of parks and walkways.
Already completed are a Mitre 10 MEGA store and Palmers Garden Centre on Northside Drive, and a Pak'nSave supermarket on nearby Fred Thomas Drive.
Mike Adams of Bayleys.
Work is also well advanced on a new $155 million retail mall being developed by NZX listed DNZ Property that it will own and manage. The 27,000 sq m complex, scheduled for opening in October, includes a Countdown supermarket, a Farmers' department store and over 90 specialty retail stores. It is already over 80 per cent leased on budgeted income. Additionally, DNZ has announced plans to build a further 7000 sq m of retail, dining and office space on land opposite this mall and the library.
Adams says the Northside Drive subdivision is very well located on the periphery of the new Westgate town centre and close to the State Highway 16 northwestern motorway giving direct access to the CBD. A planned overbridge linking Northside Drive to the Upper Harbour motorway will also improve access to the North Shore.
The Neil Group has launched the second stage of another West Auckland subdivision alongside the Upper Harbour motorway at Hobsonville. Sites range from 2443 sq m to 4249 sq m with title availability expected in late 2015.
Miller says these workspace lots are zoned for light industrial and commercial use and are also well positioned with the new Hobsonville Point housing precinct within walking distance.