There is a good reason why The Isaac apartments in Grey Lynn bear the name of one of the most influential scientists and mathematicians of all time.
Developers Mark Todd and Ben Preston, of Ockham Investments, studied mathematics at university and are huge fans of Sir Isaac Newton. They wanted to pay tribute to his genius and although they have done that in a fairly obvious manner - by naming the three buildings in their boutique development Newton's First, Second and Third Buildings after his three laws of motion - there have honoured his legacy in other, more subtle ways.
Although best known for his work on gravity, Newton carried out seminal work in the field of optics and colour. So the carpets in the building feature graduations in colour to resemble a light spectrum, LED lights in the hallways become different shades and the detailing in the precast panels on the outside of the buildings reference Newton's discovery of light interference. "Think of dropping two pebbles in water and what happens when the ripples meet," Mark says.
This incredible attention to detail and depth of thought and planning typify Mark and Ben's projects. Their company philosophy is to produce buildings that are beautiful, sit well in the neighbourhood and improve the local environment. They also have to be made from durable, low-maintenance materials that age gracefully and incorporate best-practice design principles. The Isaac meets all these criteria.