An old oak tree on Lyn Wiffin's Greenmeadows property has been felled after complaints from neighbours about the mess with the increased building density. Photo/ Duncan Brown
An old oak tree on Lyn Wiffin's Greenmeadows property has been felled after complaints from neighbours about the mess with the increased building density. Photo/ Duncan Brown
The owner of a "beautiful" old oak tree is reluctantly watching it being removed after complaints by residents in the Greenmeadows neighbourhood.
The tree in Lyn Wiffin's front yard along Park Rd was considered by neighbours to be a hazard because of the possibility of branches falling on roofs.
Residents also raised concerns to the Wiffins about the mess the tree made.
Mrs Wiffin was sad to lose the tree but said the increased building density meant there were a lot more people living near it.
She said in the past few years the number of properties around her had increased significantly with multiple subdivisions.
"We have spent 17 years cleaning up after the tree but we have been told it is too much for the older people living in the nearby properties to deal with."
After much debate an agreement was reached between the residents and the Wiffins and it was decided that the tree would be removed if the cost was shared.
"There was disharmony in the community and we didn't want to take out the beautiful oak specimen but we also didn't want to be horrible neighbours."
Mrs Wiffin said it ended up being a win-win for both parties in the Napier suburb.
"We will miss the native birds and the children will miss the swing but I am pleased our neighbours will be happy. It ended up being a real community effort."
The tree had been a part of the Wiffins' family home since the day they moved in 17 years ago and she believed it was at least 60 years old.
A swing had been erected on the tree for the children to play on with an old paragliding harness of her husband's.
"The kids could swing as high as the house; they had a lot of fun on it."
Mrs Wiffin said they were looking at the positives of the removal and hoped to put a swimming pool in.
She said the family wanted to keep the area fun for the children and felt a pool would work well in the tree's space.
"We have been cleaning up after the beautiful tree for 17 years and although we will miss it at least we will use the space for something else that is also enjoyable."
Jim's Tree and Stump Removal started removing the oak tree yesterday and expected to finish today.