When you're advertising to buy an accommodation lodge in Britain, you don't expect to get a reply from New Zealand - much less to go there to check it out. But Ian and Maralyn Bateman were intrigued when they received a response to their ad from New Zealand, so when the owner suggested they come and look at the lodge in Puhoi they did exactly that.
"We had to," Ian says, "or we'd have always been saying 'what if ... ?"'
They spent nine days in New Zealand, looked at the property, paid a deposit and went home. "It wasn't so much that we chose Puhoi - it chose us," Maralyn says. "Ian fell in love with the Puhoi pub and I fell in love with the view out of the kitchen window."
They came back to New Zealand in March 2004, moved into the three-bedroom, three-bathroom lodge with its separate owners' apartment upstairs, and set about putting the finishing touches to the property.