"This has been carefully designed to take into consideration not only the Clevedon Precinct zoning and the design style sought by the local business association, but also the ethos of what makes Clevedon so special and charming."
The subdivision plan provides for the creation of about 8200sq m of additional commercial space in Clevedon Village and about 350 sections of varying sizes set around two man-made lakes that will also act as a stormwater management ponds, says Algie.
"There will be walking, cycling and horse riding trails connecting various parts of the scheme with the village, other developments and Clevedon facilities. A 20 metre stream esplanade reserve will be provided and the vendors have been planting some of these areas with native bush in preparation for the development.
"Part of the site is also a flood plain, which can't be built upon, and drains into the Wairoa River which runs into the Firth of Thames. The flood plain did its job effectively in the recent unprecedented downpour that Auckland experienced."
Algie says the vendors have joined with other neighbouring land owners to form a company called Clevedon Infrastructure Services Limited (CISL) which has prepared a design for delivery of waste water removal and water supply to Clevedon by mid 2019.
Sullivan says, like many of the rural areas surrounding Auckland, the Clevedon Precinct has been identified as an area of significant future growth as strong demand continues for new residential property development, and accompanying commercial services, to provide for the Auckland region's rapidly growing population.
"In this regard Clevedon has many major advantages being centrally located in the Wairoa Valley, within 30 kilometres of the airport and around 20 kilometres from central Manukau, Botany Town Centre and Pine Harbour; and with good access to several beaches and the Firth of Thames. It is also only 13 kilometres to Papakura with its motorway and rail connections," says Sullivan.
"However, Clevedon won't be undergoing the same highly intensive, multi-unit residential or large-scale commercial development that is occurring in many other parts of Auckland.
"The whole sub region has maintained a very attractive semi-rural style and particular care has been taken to retain this feel in the Clevedon Precinct zoning which is among the new Unitary Plan's least intensive."
The commercial zoning governing the proposed expansion of Clevedon Village is Neighbourhood Centre, which has a three storey height limit and allows for residential on upper floors. Smaller scale retail and office premises are permitted.
The Residential zoning is Single Housing which permits one residence per section plus a minor dwelling of up to 55sq m.
Visitor accommodation and care centres accommodating up to 10 people are also a permitted activity but buildings can be no higher than eight metres or about two storeys.