In farming terms the phrase "hard yakka" is relative to the type of operation being run.
Hard yakka in sheep and beef farming terms for instance is far more strenuous than deer farming for velvet when comparing the traditional labour tasks required in each sector during their respective seasons.
Sheep need to be dipped, dagged, drenched, shorn, often several times a season, and pampered at lambing, while deer velvet is harvested twice a year and the stock is sometimes drenched depending on conditions.
A 55-hectare deer velvet farm for sale literally a five minute drive south of Whanganui in Fordell is a prime example of the difference between the two farming sectors.
Strahaven at 728 No 2 Line, Fordell, once part of the Higgie estate dating back to the 1850s, is a unique deer velvet operation currently carrying mostly mixed aged Red stags with some Wapiti stags in the herd.