Bring on the colour. Spring is here and if you want to jazz up your garden for sale, colour is the in thing, says Lee Gutzewitz, of Kings Plant Barn.
Kings sees a steady stream of customers or their gardeners/landscapers in preparation to selling a property. "What they buy is dependent on what sort of house they have and look
they are going for," says Gutzewitz.
High up on their shopping lists is "potted colour". That's colourful plants such as petunias, salvias, impatiens and other annual or perennial flowering plants. These plants are often used in hanging baskets and patio pots by homeowners about to put their property on the market. They can also be planted out in garden beds.
"A lot of people want instant colour to brighten the garden and get potential buyers to want to buy the house," says Gutzewitz. Typically these flowering plants will last right through the summer, which is good if the house doesn't sell immediately.
Gutzewitz says a number of old-fashioned flowering plants and shrubs are coming back into fashion. Kings is selling more and more pelargoniums, geraniums, roses, hydrangeas and gardenias.