At we are constantly looking for ways to improve our service to you. That's why we've made some improvements to the daily news emails you currently receive - you can view an example of the new emails here.
Register now to keep receiving news to your inbox
To ensure you keep receiving this service, you will need to register here and select which emails you would like to receive. You'll need to do this to keep receiving news direct to your inbox. If however, you are registered for Your Views and Blogs, you can simply log in using the same email address and password and tick which news emails you would like to receive.
So what are these improvements?
We are changing the name of the email service from News Watch to News Direct, but more importantly the new system will enable you to update your own details and manage your email subscriptions. With the News Direct service you can easily opt to receive, suspend or change which emails you receive from us.
Remember, if you wish to keep receiving daily news updates from us via email, please register here by following the simple instructions. You'll also be able to use the same login and password to post comments on Your Views and nzherald Blogs.
Also, if you're interested in the latest business news and analysis, you can now sign up to receive a dedicated business news email from us. Simply log in to your account and tick the box to receive Business News Direct.
Thanks for your support. We hope you enjoy this new service.
The team at