Thousands of our online readers have sent through messages they would like their MPs to read as the smacking bill comes closer to a vote in parliament.
Below is the final selection for now of those views.
We are sorry we were unable to publish all the emails because of the volume but the hundreds we have are representative of the views.
Roughly 85% of those who responded were against the bill.
Jocelyn Muir
The government is elected to carry out the wishes of the people - that is democracy. This bill will not stop abuse; it will just criminalise responsible parents.
L Mills
Isn't the Green Party being totally inconsistent in pushing its anti-smacking campaign when it has opposed every other parliamentary measure to crack down on abuse of children?
I Hayes
Typical of this Labour Govt; can not tell the difference between cause and effect. Deal with the real issue (if you have any idea what it is) and leave Mum and Dad to raise the family.
I would not mind if the public asked for this bill to be passed but I do mind the state telling me I do not know enough about parenting to correct my children, I do not believe in smacking per se: but believe less in the state telling me my duties to my children.
Linda Wheeler
Wisdom on child discipline did not begin with Sue Bradford, but perhaps it will end with her bill!
Mark Fouche
Parents in most cases are the best judges of how to deal with sibling disobedience. We don't need a law to manage the very small minority of idiots who are obviously unfit parents.
C Beard
The anti smacking bill will impose an impossible standard on parents.
Adrian Dench
I am a kiwi living in England, where this kind of legislation has been implemented, and I can categorically tell you it doesn't work.
Theresa Cave
Don't take our disciplinary rights away, it will just discourage parents and empower kids to do what they want.
Peter Leong
How can we classify 'smacking' in the same category as 'child abuse'? Surely there is something wrong.
MPs that support the anti-smacking bill should pull their heads out of the ideological sand they are in, and listen to the people - we do not want or need this bill passed.
Get your govt paws out of my home, you are not wanted there!
This legislation to amend assault laws is such a crucial step forward in moving New Zealand out of a past where it was OK to "give the kids a hiding" for almost anything, to a new brighter future where we respect each other as human beings.
Enough of Helen Clarks madness,her so called reforms they are bringing ruin on the country and dividing the community, and now trying to penalise parents for discipline a child, drop it,we
know the diff between discipline and abuse.
I agree with all the anti-democratic sentiment and am unhappy my rights as a parent could be removed.
Racheal Metcalfe
I strongly disagree with the Anti-Smacking bill as it will not protect the children anymore than the current law, the parents that already disobey the law will just as easily disregard this one.
Lee Harrison
Sure - violence is evil, but repealing s59 is taking rights off the wrong people.
I support the repeal of S59. It will give the children of NZ the same protection that I have - it sends a clear message that violence in the home is not to be tolerated - it does not erode the rights of parents.
Loving Warning + Corporal Punishment + Loving Hug/Words = well-adjusted, not screwed-up kid
Society is seeing the result of children not being taught appropriate boundaries. The Government should focus their attention on educating parents to bring up children in a supportive, stable & loving environment.
My parents smacked me. I am 20 now and I turned out just fine. I grew up knowing that they loved me and wanted the best for me and at no time was I ever afraid to be around them.
Stay out of our houses - protect the children who are being beaten and not smacked. Parents that are smacking are the ones interested enough to care for their kids and are interested in their kids lives. Don't use the law to govern all of us instead of managing the rotten apples!
John McCarthy
In 20 years time it will seem unbelievable that people actually campaigned for the right to hit children. Why do these campaigners only march to argue in favour of hitting children?
Who amongst us cannot recall the searing pain caused by WORDS. Pain lasting many years beyond what a burning butt might. Pain cutting heart and mind, induced by the tongue of a teacher, a respected adult, a parent. Will that increase or diminish in the absence of alternatives?
Ian Jury
Apparently there have been 7 successful defences where the legal defence of reasonable force had been used in the past 12 years. Why are you making thousands of people technically criminals to fix this when it is obvious that all is required is to better define "reasonable force".
Brian S
If smacking has been illegal for a hundred years as stated by the PM, then surely no law change is needed - only law enforcement.
Ray Blackley
In society today there lacks a sense of discipline. There is no harm in a gentle smack on a child's behind. I grew up in a time when there was a lot of discipline and no smacking every hurt me to the extent where it caused physical harm to me.
Neville Mascarenhas
Sue B: Please desist from doing our parenting for us. Above all stop intruding into our homes and lives.
It is extraordinary to watch the Labour Party MPs commit political suicide, on mass - they're riding the anti-smacking bronco flat out towards the cliff edge and refuse to get off.
Astrid Griffin
Your Bill will make NO difference to people who abuse children - have the balls to punish those people & not loving parents who discipline their kids with a light smack!
Dave Fredrickson
My son recently paid me the greatest compliment a dad could ever receive. He said "I could not have asked for a better upbringing thanks". Andrew was very strong willed and at times lovingly disciplined with a smack. The family is the key to the future and respect for authority must be instilled into our children.
Repealing the bill is a waste of time. There is a huge difference between smacking and child abuse.
Smacking is ok but a beating is something that should be made unlawful.
Richard Scott
Your proposed law amendment will have absolutely no effect on the very people you would like it to have.
How can these democratically elected people toe a party line when clearly the majority of New Zealanders are against the bill becoming law - grow spines and represent your Constituency, rather than playing follow the leader to appease coalition partners.
Pauline Phillips
The average parent is the best person to disciple their children and Government would be better to get on and run the country which is what they were elected to do.
This is a blatant attempt by Helen Clarke to buy the Green's vote and stay in power now Tito Philip Field has
been cast from their ranks and they are thin on the ground.
Shall we now hand over our children at birth to be raised by them? No wonder the younger generation is infested with criminals - a little discipline, in moderation, when needed, did us oldies no harm.
Passing this bill will do nothing to lower child abuse,(however banning abortion will) - MP's should be supporting families and parents, and at the very least should be listening to the public.
Liz Douglas
The bill should go through with the Chester Burrows amendment. It should be a conscience vote, not a block vote.
If the media gave the Bill the right name it might help - this is not anti smacking it is anti bashing!
Who is going to run this country, us or our kids? And are we only going to become guests in our own homes...because we will no longer have a say?
I smack my young grandchildren when I feel it is necessary and will continue to do so irrespective of Sue Bradford and her cronies ridiculous Bill.
Your polls do not speak for me; I am a health professional who works with families, as well as a parent, and 95 per cent of my colleagues and clients that I have spoken to agree that this bill should be passed in order to be able to set a clear message that society must put children first, and change how children are allowed to be treated.
Tony W
The breakdown in society today with teenage pregnancies, youth crime etc is due exactly to stupid legislation like this. We should be concentrating on educating parents on family values rather than taking away their rights to use smacking as a discipline.
Do not try and dress smacking up as loving, it is not, it is violence.
MPs do not have to right to decide this for us. Listen to public opinion. Labour government is losing my vote.
Robert Gonzales
Members of Parliament need to listen to the majority of New Zealanders who do not agree with Sue Bradford's bill.
The sitting government has little right to reach into the homes of its citizens - people will vote with their feet at the next election.
Mike Pierce
The Government needs to stay out of family engineering. They have shown themselves to be morally bankrupt and divorced from the wishes of the majority of NZers, when we say we want to bring up our own kids.
re there is a problem there is always a solution. For goodness sake Sue Bradford can not you see it's the violent parents who need HELP with their emotions.
Kelvyn Alp
The Bill is designed to destabilise the community by breaking down the family unit.
Charles Seneviratne
Do not worry pet, today you get smacked tomorrow you get to smack your spouse. We need to preserve (our smacking) culture.
If Labour was truly interested in stopping violence against children then it would simply stop the paying the most prolific offenders to breed.
Andrew Gee
Not one less child will be abused or killed through the passing of this bill.
Please could the parliamentarians be honest and admit what seems to be obvious to most New Zealanders, that a corrective smack is not child abuse; a corrective smack is likely to result in a more obedient child who can differentiate between right and wrong and understand that certain disobediences have consequences, and therefore be a beneficial thing in society.
Mark Loheni
This dumb dumb bill is an insult to the 99 per cent of good Kiwi parents and will by no means stop those criminals who are violent towards their kids.
This bill should not be supported as it will not do anything to help stop child abuse but only make caring parents even harder to control/educate in some occasions.
Take away our right to discipline our children as we see fit - how dare you!
Dora Nagy
Most anti-smacking legislation helps - at least - to educate a few parents; it is all is about education.
With 16 arrests, she doesn't respect the laws, so why should she have a say in making them? She will not publicly state she did not smack her kids so where is the honesty and creditability in her logic.
Melanie Thompson
This is a deal breaker for us - pass this bill and four more highly skilled professionals in our family who contribute over 300K combined to the government coffers, are on their way to more democratic pastures overseas.
Carol Stewart
Please be brave and pass the anti-smacking bill.
As Michele Wilkinson-Smith pointed out in the opinion story today, the anecdotes of masses of child abusers escaping conviction on the basis of section 59 are essentially untrue. A logical and practical look at the performance of the current law, unbiased by ideology, shows that it is working.
I do not agree Sue Bradfords idea for smacking kids and will be punish the parents, we gave birth to our children and we got right to educate them as our house rule, politician pls do not interfere our familys education.
Audrey Stewart
You are voted into Government to be the voice of the public and by ignoring the overwhelming opposition to this Bill by the public; you are neglecting your duties as our representatives.
Alan Macalister
I am deeply saddened by the fact that so many parents are not able to discipline their children without violence. Their lack of options is simply a lack of skill.
Jeff Lees
On their own initiative my 15-year-old son and his friends took to the streets with the smacking petition and collected over 100 signatures in a short time. Let's support the rights of the next generation of parents.
Lee Harper
This is home invasion by the Government.
John Laurent
Verbal abuse is more damaging to children than smacking. Stop this bill!
C Hoods
Try and describe the word 'democracy'? Now describe 'dictatorship'
Marshall Low
That is it! I am moving to Australia! I have had enough crap from this government.
If Sue Bradford and the Labour Government thinks this anti smacking legislation will get rid of child abuse in New Zealand they are only deluding themselves.
Why is Labour so keen to get into bed with the communist greens?
The government is trying to parent our kids. Next they step into our homes and tell us how to run our personal lives.
Do the police really have enough time to investigate every child that reports their parents smacking them?
Get out of office and take ALL your unwanted 'busy-body' social engineering with you.
The solution is obvious - if the intention of the bill is to stop horse whips and other abuses ... just write a bill that only allows physical punishment with an open hand. Why is that so hard?
The ridiculously hysterical response here from a hard-core mob of backward, insular, rednecks (their my kids/my property I can do what I freakin want to them) should not be allowed to get in the way of the progress NZ desperately needs to make away from family inculcated violence. Pass the bill.
As a former NZ police officer, I am glad I made the move to Australia. I only arrest child abusers, not innocent parents.
This bill, if passed, will be the straw that breaks Democracys back.
Gail Marmont
I want to see protection for children enshrined in the law. Not so long ago, the law protected a man's right to beat his wife. No reasonable person would agree with that now, so why continue to allow beating of children?
Michael Baker
The MP's who want to pass the bill have not got it right and are out of touch with the majority of New Zealanders.
Millie Hawke
The sorts of people who have reacted so extremely and violently to this legislation can hardly be considered capable of exercising reason and restraint in childrearing - they have made the case for passing the legislation.
I now live overseas and one of my reasons for leaving NZ was this ignore the majority, placates the minority attitude.
Why should dogs be protected from violence but not our children? Repeal section 59 and stop the abuse of our kids.
Ross Polson
All mammals who wish to see their young grow up healthy, safe and well-adjusted use corporal punishment when appropriate; humans, being no different, should correct bad behaviour early and with love, so that childhood tantrums are rejected and dangerous behaviour is prevented - a smack to the bottom, followed by a hug, rejects the behaviour and accepts the child.
Geri Phillips-Ball
There should be a referendum on this bill
Harold Merriman
I am sick of this rubbish about "loving" smacks. No normal parent smacks a child in anything but anger. MPs should pass the bill and take us, kicking and screaming, one more step away from our caveman past.
Stig Mossige-Nygaard
Scrap the Bill. See what misery it created in Sweden and Norway. There parents dare not raise children.
Wayne Renner
Without reservation, I am of the opinion that this particular proposed legislation will be the 'tipping point' which will be directly related to the ultimate demise of the current administration.
Rochelle Tanner
I do not believe parents should be punished for giving their children a smack when it is deserved. If I decide to smack either of my children I think the lasting effects of watching me go to prison for doing just that will be far worse than the smack itself which will be over and done with in 2 mins.
Please, please pass this bill! Help us move beyond this bullying, abusive culture to a civilised society that is safe and respectful for all regardless of age.
Allan Woodhouse
Hey Pollies....Hands off our lungs, hands off our waistline, hands off our families. You can take away our cigarettes and you can take away our "takeaway" but, you all better think twice, nay, thrice, before you try to take away any more of our children.
Joseph Chaning-Pearce
Under no circumstance should this law be passed in its present form.
A smack with an open hand on the arms or legs but NEVER with any sort of instrument or a closed fist.
Cecile Hoods
Pending on whether this country is a democracy or a dictatorship, you will either listen to us who voted you in or do your own thing.
Ms Bradford should accept the amendments being proposed by Mr Burrows, if only to clarify ambiguity on her Bill.
This law is nonsense. It is directed to the wrong people and purely based on ideological theory. Worse is Labour/Greens disregarding the will of the people.
Alistair Hall
Shame on those politicians who have tried to bully this very emotive piece of legislation through without even consulting their constituents.
Steven Smith
The bill will do nothing to curb violence against children. Child bashers will continue irrespective of the law.
MPs need to listen to the people, not a dictator. NZs government is out of control and is determined to have the next generation out of control as well.
Do not criminalise parents for using one infrequent option to discipline their kids. It is not the fault of parents that the current law is not being enforced as it was intended.
Gary Putt
Sue Bradfords Bill defies logic, facts, commonsense and public opinion, and will do nothing to stem violence against children in this country.
J Meyer
If so many New Zealanders are against this why is the Govt. pushing ahead so hard. How can it be a conscience vote when Helen tells you how to vote? Social engineering once again.
Bryan Bamber
How can someone who was not elected to Parliament because no-one would vote for her have the guts to tell me as a parent that I am a criminal for disciplining my child.
Berinthia Binnie
The only reason to smack is loss of reason; the only reason to defend the position is guilt.
>> Click here for more views on smacking