Senator Hillary Clinton holds a large early lead over other top candidates in the race for the Democratic US presidential nomination, said a national poll reported today in The Washington Post.
Would she make a good president?
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Jayne Keatts
I know she is the most qualified in the race. I just hope she can win. My little eldery clients dont trust her (most of them don't vote anymore) I just wish I trusted most people to do what I think is best. I will vote for her and if I could sway others I would but I cant. My energy will be pulling for Hillary all the way.
S Mohanakrishnan
I will support Hillary Clinton for President if she can support the following and promise to do something on these lines:
maybe love is better than war
maybe diplomacy is better than dropping bombs on human beings
maybe there doesnt need to be bodies of disfigured children lying in the street
maybe a tenth of the effort put into something as ridiculous as the war in Iraq if put into trying to create peace and understanding could have a positive effect
maybe the United States could have a department of peace as well as a department of war.
Kennedy James
Ms. Clinton is an exceptionally brilliant woman who is committed to changing the direction of America. She can count on my vote.
Michele Cavannah
If anybody can warm the World without warming the globe it is Hillary. If anybody can reincarnate the American dream it is Hillary. Run Run Run.
Anyone other than Bush is fine with me.
Shitij Daniel James
There are those who are meant to be Presidents, Prime Ministers, and there are those who are meant to be MP's and Senators. Hillary Clinton belongs to the Senators group. She may win the nomination on the basis of her name, her husband, her multi-million dollar treasure chest, and it would be a novelty to have a female president. What I am saying is wherever we look today, our time/generation lacks the kind of leadership that will boldly move us forward. She lacks that leadership, she is uninspirational and let Barrack Obama win, cause in him I do not see just a man of colour but a man who can give the leadership we need to move forwards, not just to America, but to the rest of us!
Due to her past with Bill I have a real concern on how tough she can be with countries who look at women as 2nd class citizens (Middle East). Look what Bill has done and she sits and takes it and as far as I can see no action, Bill's behaviour has continued throughout their relationship and she wants me to believe she is strong enough to protect this country and be strong when needed against other men world leaders.
M Bright
No, she wont make a good president. In fact, she wont make any kind of president, because she hasnt got a snowflake's chance in hell of getting elected. In the states that normally vote republican, shes hated. John McCain will be the next president of the United States. And he will prosecute the war against Islamic fascism on a scale that Bush & Company have always considered unimaginable. He will send troops into the tribal areas of Pakistan, crush Iran, Sudan and maybe even Syria. How do I know? Because he said so.
She will win, She will do a good job. This is good.
Yes I would like to see her get the job and good luck to her.
Bud Tyler
She could not keep Bills pants on, so how is she gonna run the United States. She is a screaming witch!
Brenda FitzGerald
With the name Hillary she would be tops! Seriously I believe she has the intellect and empathy to be a great leader (lets face it she was the behind the scenes leader of Bill). Just what the USA needs at this time. What a job to clean up the Bush shambles!
She could not control Bills wondering eye so how does she think she will be able to control the most powerful nation in the world? Condoleeza Rice would make a far better President and being an Afro-American she would appeal to more of the PC and minority groups.
I think she would make a fantastic president! Better than Bush, he should never have been elected for a second term!
Brian Berry
Yes she would make a good if not great president. Sadly whoever gets elected will have to try to clean up the mess left by Bush. I ca not imagine anyone wanting to take over from him but someone has to. It seems you either love her or hate her, especially from many who seem to see her as a threat. The conservatives hate her especially women as she stands for everything they are not. It will be interesting to see how her campaign for the Democratic nomination goes. Should she get it my guess would be she will run against John McCain, the likely Republican nominee.
Hopefully the Americans will vote in the first female president. But sadly there are too many Republicans and swayed Democrats that would not like to see a democratic woman in the White House oval office. There is an outside chance that people will see a strong leader like Helen as a comparison but there are too many old boys clubs in America to see a woman president I afraid. Maybe once the Iraq war is over and there is a level playing field, she might have a chance. But that is a long way off.
Graeme Martin
Yes, I think she would, added to the fact she has her husbands knowledge and experience to back her up if she wants and forgetting all their matrimonial problems. Her domestic polices on health upgrading may be polarising. But God knows the American health system needs revolutionising! Who could possible do worse than George W. Bush?
Hillary WAS the president before and she can do it again!