Here are earlier views on what would you tell MPs as they go to cast their vote?
Please pass the bill unamended. My mother broke three of my ribs using reasonable force, and to this day maintains that beatings with the ironing cord and Dads belt were appropriate means of discipline.
I have always been a long time labour supporter, and if you take my right away to be good loving father, and have youth crime increase, then I guarantee I will vote National next election along with thousands of other families!
We are more than likely leaving NZ for Australia. I dont want to end up a criminal when my son who is 9 now, gets to early teen years and uses this as a weapon against me.
Another step closer to the day when we'll all be forced to hand over our children at birth so they can be raised in State institutions to be perfect little brainwashed clones.
Foon Lam
I think that politicians should stick to politics and stay out of the private lives of people.
Jonathan Davey
Those that say this is none of the governments business are probably those that are abusing their children. Children need this protection against the opinion of the majority of adults in this country.
Ina Murphy
Still too much misconception out there about what the proposed legislation actually entails especially from the media headlines. All too rushed.
Only time MPs listen to the public is when they are up for re-election.
The MPS should listen to the constituents. That is their responsibility.
Jill Rowbotham
This attempt to curb violence against children is the most misguided idealistic and unworkable piece of nonsense I have seen in a long time. Get on with fixing our sick health system..
Mike Foot
This should be a conscience vote, and not a party vote. People will remember who voted for this bill when election time comes around.
Are we back in school where the bullies decide what is on or out?
Kevin O sullivan
I am totally opposed to the State interfering in how a parent brings up his/her children.
Im against this smacking bill, what hope do good parents have in deciplining their children!..the government should focus on the scandal of the police force, as well as the real criminals!!!
Brian Cronin
Children should be entitled to the same protection as adults. If an adult hits another adult, they cant use the defence of reasonable force to justify the action.
I am a 61year old mother of two, who smacked my children possibly three or four times each in their life and I know it was for their good and no harm has been done.
C Crook
The public majority dont want it so dont support it.
Jagannatha Suta Das
Smacking is a parental right; dont meddle in other affairs, and force your standards on others.
Sue Innes
Smacking in anger is wrong, but parents need the freedom to discipline their children early to avoid danger & to encourage good habits before it is too late.
Karen Baldock
The people have spoken, we dont want this stupid bill. We do want people locked up who abuse or violate children and you would get overwhelming support from the country to make this happen.
83 per cent in the latest opinion poll is against this bill,wake up Sue Bradford and your followers.
Should listen to the public.
Adrian Vogel
MPs should vote in accordance with the wish of the majority view of the people who elected them to do precisely that.
You are voted into Government to be the voice of the public and by ignoring the overwhelming opposition to this Bill by the public, you are neglecting your duties as our representatives.
Leonie Caskey-Hatton
I totally support Sue Bradford in her brave endeavour to send a message to those who are in authority with children that there are much better ways to create positive behaviour in children then resorting to smacking as this is not a bill against the good parent who lapses occasionally into a smack but to send the general message that overall, hitting our kids is not OK.
Ian Bruce
Go ahead and pass the bill, but don't be surprised at the cynicism towards and further loss of respect for our so-called democracy.
Kirk Wakefield
If you define the problem properly you might find the real reason for violence if feeling you cant win and powerlessness, which is being made worse by a money hungry and controlling government.
MPs use your own minds -this smacking bill will not change a thing -apart from a Labour govt at the next election!
Smacking is unchristian!
Dennis Wilson
Listen to public opinion MP's,if 70 to 80 per cent of people dont want the bill,then do not vote for it,ie no to the bill.
Leonie Vogel
The Anti smackers teach their children to become blackmailers by promising them treats if they behave.
Last time I heard NZ was supposed to be democratic society …. MPs should be listening to public opinion after all thats who elected them; a bill is not going to stop violence in homes!
Sue Innes
Smacking in anger is wrong, but parents need the freedom to discipline their children early to avoid danger & to encourage good habits before it is too late.
Cynthia Jago
Theres enough free range kids that need a smack my mp will lose my vote if he votes for the bill.
Imm Irvine
I rather have parents who discipline me with warnings and a promise of a quick smack than parents who arent allowed by law to smack me but resort instead to a quiet, underhand mental abuse.
John Poole
Yes MPs should listen to the public, it is the public that pay there wages, too many of them push there own agenda, once they are in Parliament.
I think it shouldnt go ahead with this smacking as I can see if we dont have any control over our children they are going to go wild and then there nothing the parents can do to stop it and as well the police may have bring more offices to the forces to handle the children that getting into trouble with the polices all the time and as well it also giving the parents the bad name to the family as well.
Dick Thompson
Forget conscience: Logic dictates that you should reject Sue Bradfords Bill in its entirety or bear the"2007" consequences from your electorate.
Alison Meldrum
Yes, it should be a conscience vote: government has no business meddling in the rights of parents to instill values as they see fit.
Erin Bradley
Please don' stop this happening just because people think its their "right" to physically punish their children! It used to be a mans "right" to physically punish his wife and people now know thats wrong.
Sue Reid
List MP's should vote the "Party Line" - electorate MPs only should be allowed to have a conscience vote, carrying with them the echoes of sentiment from their electorates.
Lance Beste
If the bill passes then policing it will be a nightmare. Children will be able to report parents if they are unhappy.
MPs listen up. We voted for you, now it is your turn to listen to us, Stop the Bill.
R.A. Eshleman
They can listen to the vast majority of parents...or they can find another job next election!!!
Tony Merrick
Good old-fashioned discipline done correctly never hurt anyone, it didnt hurt me and the big thing is it taught me to have respect.
Dallas Goldie
Let parents decide what is necessary, not some second rate politician.
Grahame Craggs
As its apparent now that you dont represent the majority of New Zealanders, just who do you represent?
With such a large difference of public opinion on this matter clearly leaning towards ditching the bill, then listen to the people for once.
J Morrison
This Labour government thinks we are gullible with the spin they are trying to put on this anti smacking bill but they will find this time that NZers are waking up to them.
I thought we lived in a democracy not a dictatorship.
Fay Gust
Leave parents alone to bring up their families ,and keep the feminists without a family out of peoples lives.
If this bill goes through then why bother asking the public for their opinion as it really makes no difference what they think.
Dont throw all your common sense out the window - vote against this bill!
Rob Pritchard
I dont want to parent outside the law, even if Im not arrested.
Rod Searle
MPs need to note 2 things : firstly the y are elected as representatives of the people & secondly that we live in a democracy not a dictatorship (or do we ?)
Matt N
Hail Helen, Hail Helen, Hail Helen.
Eric West
Those in favour of imposing their will on Kiwi families must remember that there is an election next year, and unemployment sucks!
M Hansen
MPs must listen to the opinion of their electorate and treat this as a conscience issue.
No to anti-smacking bill, it will ruin our next generation.
Police will be required by law to investigate every complaint, regardless of substance, thus tearing families apart while their investigation is done and then handed on to CYPS, who will cause further damage by removing the child from the home until satisfied the complaint was probably baseless.
Philip Smith
This bill in no way addresses the real issues of child abuse and it makes a mockery out of New Zealand as a democratic country.
Vincent Channon
What is to stop a separated parent using this against the other party to make false accusations to gain access to the child in the family courts using the police to investigate?
As representatives of the people you must listen to the people. You have not been elected to be our conscience- this bill is not wanted- it is not needed.
Let the people vote on this issue.
Tracey Oliver
This government screams of corruption as it makes back-door deals to secure votes and push through a bill clearly opposed by the majority of citizens. I have lost complete faith in this governments ability to listen and act accordingly.
Audrey Jackman
Children will grow up not knowing the difference between "right or wrong" if they are not disciplined on the odd occasion. This is obvious now with the teen-age problems!
Cheryl Tong
I strongly oppose the repeal of Section 59 because it concerns not just a petty plea about a pat on the posterior, but a message of more monumental magnitude that effectively says that the government is stripping away from all honorable respectable parents living in New Zealand their rights to fulfill an integral part of their parenting responsibility (i.e. correcting their own children) in a reasonable way as presently allowed by Section 59.
I would love to see Sue Bradford put as much effort into cleaning up its own government depts (CYFS), and looking out for the children who are in the most danger now.
Paul Rinkemailman
Stay out of family matters, this will not help the real problem with people who you are trying to stop.
Alex Yovich
MPs should listen to the public!
J Fowler
Depriving a child of the tactile element of discipline that is such a needed parental function (a smack, not a hit)should be considered child-abuse: the Bible had it right all the time.
It is already against the law to murder anyone, children included, and it hasn't stopped the mongrels who beat their kids to death, so how will this stupid amendment help?? smacking (appropriately) is not abuse.
Jan Peart
What do the majority in this country have to do to be heard? The members of parliament were voted for by the people to represent the people, they should do that.
Lloyd Vivian
Vote this terrible bill into oblivion where it will do the most good. All who vote for it - start looking for other work!
Hamilton Mum
I think Helen, Sue and gang should go to their rooms and have Time Out for being disobedient and not listening....
Wallace Wild
This bill is nonsense as it removes the right of parents to bring up a child with acceptable social values and allows the child to persist in unacceptable social behaviour without any fear of parental control.
When will MPs realise that they are put there to represent us and ourR wishes, not their own? Most people are against this Bill, therefore represent them!
Carolyne Gummer
My concern is "what do parents replace smacking with?" So many people have no idea about other successful methods. If you ban smacking without education for parents you will have the next generation growing up totally undisciplined. A terrible thought!!
So will more of our tax money going to be spent on a special police brigade that will go around knocking on doors, looking out for parents who smack their kids? Or will a compulsory surveillance camera be installed in every household?
Lesley Smith
This bill isnt going to solve the problem. Tackle the underlying social ills of overindulgence in drugs and alcohol. Question the nations spiritual health.
The people in each electorate vote for politicians to represent their wishes not to think for them, in this case the majority of the people do not want this bill passed into legislation so to the politicians I say vote for this bill at your own peril!
Bob Morris
Sue Bradford, I feel has exhibited a new low level of intellect and has displayed the fact that she is not fit as a politician.
Vera Warren
Do not vote for the anti smacking bill.
B 2easau
Can we honestly not tell the difference between a child who has been physically abused & one that has been disciplined by way of a smack that we have to pass this stooopid law.
Smacking is discipline not abuse and the law already deals with abuse.
Come on, Labour! This is your chance to show you actually are capable of listening to the people and are not a communist state.
John Shingleton
You vote this bill in at your electoral peril. We will remember when we next place a vote in the ballot box. National will gain over 50 per cent of the vote at the next elections.
John Sinclair
It is wrong for a law to be passed that could (even potentially) see children removed from loving families to be decided by the ideology of the major political party, it should be decided by the consciences that are said to inhabit those we call politicians.
What will happen to the parents who smack their children? If the children are to be removed from their care, who will look after them all? Is the government planning to build a huge number of very large orphanages and who will pay for all of the legal costs involved and the care of the children who get smacked?
Vishwa Shukla
The existing law may be enforced, rather than bring-in a new one which may only make the life of children of unstable parents, those really under risk, even more traumatic.
Caroline Holliss
As our elected representatives, MPs have a duty to listen to the people, and the vast majority of people have made it clear they do not want this bill.
Spend more time and effort worrying about the child abusers who beat their children and partners. NZ has a serious domestic abuse problem.
Rob Kimble
I think this Bill is ludicrous; it is typical of an arrogant government who think they have the right to tell us what we can or cannot do in our own homes and with our own family, for whom we are ultimately responsible!
I will just have to smack my kids so hard that they cant tell anyone about it.
John Thompson
It is wrong to vote for this bill - it is overwhelmingly unpopular, its intent is vague, any benefits are unproven.
Max Bradford
The tragedy of this bill is it will do nothing to stop the real abuse of children such as we have seen in the Kahui case. MPs like Sue Bradford should solve those problems first before making good parenting even more difficult than it is with her bill.
Steve Mascarenhas
Sue Bradford get a life...there are other ways to get attention. Let parents smack their not interfere!
Labour is labouring hard against families and Children -- they are destroying the very fabric of society. This is the final straw that will see Labour out of power.
Why make NZers look like a right bunch of idiots by introducing this bill? Freedom of choice.
John Newton
For once listen to public opinion, it is not the role of government to tell us how to bring up our kids. No more Nana state.
John Ammon
In this debate over smacking it becomes obvious the political world has a lot to learn,why did we vote for many of them? Perhaps they could learn from the animal world.
Tim Bond
MPs must remember that they are our representatives - and thus they should listen to our views and vote against Bradfords absurd Bill.
K Mik
If you dont allow parents to control their children this country will go completely down the gurgler.
Alan McPherson
Politicians should step back from this bill which is like trying to put out the fire of child abuse by banning the sale of matches.
Julia Z Z Wang
As a 2 childrens mother, I have never smack my children, but doesnt mean its the only way, some children need it. I would never vote for Helen Clark again, never..........
Gordon Campbell
Why dont you listen to the people you ARE supposed to represent instead of your own agendas?
Save our children; don't let this law pass.
Please dont make the majority of good parents feel criminalised for a bill that will possibly have little effect on those it is targeting.
Arthur Orr
If this law is passed it will prove that we do not have a government by the people, for the people and perhaps we should start again from scratch, ditch MMP and return to the proven to work FPP to ensure the government isnt held to ransom by small parties as the every MMP government has been.
How dare you ignore the majority of the people. How dare you!
Christina Tynan
I will vote National if this goes ahead.
Robyn Newman
This legislation appears to be more about keeping control of the Treasury benches than about providing better parenting skills in our "at risk" families.
I am appalled by the lack of protection provided to children by this country. And you wonder why suicide rates are so high?... It is simply not necessary to use physical force to discipline a child.
Rehana Singh
Do not pass this into law because it will destroy families, and it makes no difference to the level of child abuse, because child abusers will abuse even with a law.
Its not the MPs job to tell us how to raise our children by debating and wasting precious time over this irrelevant bill when there are more important issues out there that need urgent attention.
Paul McKenna
Will Parliament whips be made illegal if this law is passed?
Phil Clemas
MPs must listen to the voices of normal everyday NZers and represent their view. We are sick and tired of them ignoring the majority. If this bill goes through it will be at the peril of many MPs and this government.
Richard Moot
Supporting the Bill will do nothing to reduce domestic violence, although it will probably cost you your job. 80 per cent of the public say no, but its your call.
Jackie Dobbie
The MPs are meant to be in Government representing the people, not their personal conscience, its about time they do that.
There is no real evidence to suggest that children who are smacked become violent adults.
Big no to smacking bill.
Aimee Bell
Dont pass the anti-smacking bill, listen to the people, smacking didnt harm me at all!
Ross Stewart
If the Mp that represents our voting region votes to support Sue Bradfords anti smacking bill presently before parliament will not get my party nor his/hers vote every in the next general election.
Robert Huggins
New Zealand does not want this bill. Listen to us- the people you represent - for once at least.
John Karl
Peter Dunne: Where is the democracy? Once again the peoples view is being ignored.
This bill should be put to a voters referendum for the public opinion it is too big for politicians to make.
Ljubisa Pavic
Please stop trying to run our lives and instead go after real criminals using the full extent of present legislation and maximum sentences with no parole for crimes against children.
Fleur Oback
For goodness sake, listen to your voters. The vast majority dont want a bit of this bill, do your jobs for once.
Peter Gray
I am against the bill and will vote against any party that votes for it.
This law should not be passed. It is meddling in the worst extreme.
New Zealand has one of the worst records of violence against children in the world - and the negative reaction of many NZers to this bill is a good indication of why.
Concerned real parent
It seems we are now governed by dictatorship, not by the will of the people.
Better fill the courts with more judges and lawyers as the proposed legislation is going to be a great weapon in the battles over child custody... what are they thinking?
Brad Hunt
MPs are elected to parliament, by the people, to represent the people, and the people of New Zealand do not support this bill - vote in accordance with the will of the people you are supposed to represent!
Ray Pollock
Of Course the Government should not pass this bill. it is a parents right and responsibility to discipline their children.
Owen Smith
This proposed new law is one of the worst pieces of legislation proposed in recent years. Totally
unenforceable and a mockery of our democracy.
Oliver Vitali
Come on MPs: Time to listen to the majority not the minority over this one.
This will generate more CYFS and more jails to waste more taxpayers money.
Thousand year old formula of using "carrot and stick" is still an effective way to get the best out of people especially children. So what is wrong with a good balance of motivation and discipline(sometimes a smack) to build character?
My family and I will give our votes to the candidates that against the bill for the next election, we don't support the bill.
Chris Carter
This is New Zealand, not a feminist dictatorship. The Bill must not be passed.
Steve Reeve
Public opinion is very clear. The Anti-smacking Bill must not pass and MPs should listen to public opinion on this one or risk the consequences.
Donald Fawkner
Its not going to stop the people who abuse their children now, So listen to the people who voted you in!
Paul McMahon
Politicians should listen to their own consciences, not that of their party nor of the PM, and they should consider the impact of their decisions on the ability of parents to act on their consciences.
Paul Jones
The people must be protected from the government - today it may be fine, but who will be ruling us in 10 or 20 years time?
Paul Goldsmith
Given that parents should have the right to choose how they teach their children (providing it is not abusive), and the fact that this bill wont necessarily stop child abuse.
Pass the bill, and I will still be the one disciplining my children, my way.
David Kettley
As a father of a wonderful 5yr old boy, I have never so much as threatened a smack, I think it is lazy to rely on physical punishment rather than maybe a little more time spent on non violent means.
Sarah K
Beating and abusing a child is so far removed from normal smacking when naughty - listen, otherwise in ten years we will have a new generation of spoilt "tantrum throwing" adults.
MPs are there to represent the public, and they need to listen to the majority. With something as topical as this, they should really have a referendum.
"Smacking" is not "beating", there are already laws against that. Smart children will use the "anti-smacking" law to blackmail their parents.
Alan Wilkinson
This bill will make no difference whatsoever for abused children and will cause a lot of grief for decent and honest people.
Mel Stewart
The MPs should definitely listen to the public opinion...after all we are the stakeholders in how NZ is performed - they are managers and should take notice of what the stakeholders are saying.
James Molony
This is an issue of democracy, and whether we have a parliament that represents New Zealanders or their own interest and bents, makes you feel pretty powerless as a constituent.
Public opinion or conscience? If MPs vote according to either, then the bill wont pass.
Martin Ryan
Replace smacking through education, dont just ban it, otherwise some kids will receive no discipline whatsoever.
This law will do absolutely nothing to stop the "parents" that are already flouting the laws to beat and abuse their children, this law will only punish law-abiding citizens!
Peter Tan
We are absolutely against this bill, yet another example of legislators trying to enforce minority view points on a majority of law-abiding citizens and Labour will certainly lose our votes.!
Peter Dunn (71)
The State should stay out of the home, and let ordinary decent people get on with their lives, they should listen to public opinion.
Craig Bosel
Please turf this ludicrous (however well-meaning) proposal to stop parents smacking their misbehaving kids into the rubbish bin where it belongs.
Rob McCarthy
Reasonable "smacking" by parents or guardians should be allowed. Any "reporting" should have to be substantiated by appropriate evidence to avoid cynical or malicious complaints.
Pat Brophy
Do not agree with the bill.
Trish Brophy
Strongly against the bill.
This is what happens when socialists rule for too long.
Alex Meldrum
You do not have a mandate to impose this social engineering attack on the family unit.
Jessica Carlson
Listen to the voice of the people. You are our representatives - do you job and act like it.
Nick Burtenshaw
For once show some respect to the people of New Zealand and listen to their voices. We dont want Sue Bradfords bill to become law. Please listen.
Tim O Halloran
You are in parliament to speak for the people, well the people have spoken and we say no to this ridiculous smacking bill.
Jo Russell
Perhaps Sue and Helen should look after a two year old for a month and see how they go without the occasional smack on the bottom. Reason with a two year old. I dont think so.
Nick Burtenshaw
Listen to public opinion because their consciences are so perverted that they wouldnt be able to recognise what is right even if it slapped them in the face.
Scott Robertson
Get out of my house. You are not bringing up my children. I am!
This bill is absurd, yet another way to take the rights of a parent away from someone. This bill also being supported by people who dont have children! How do you figure that?
Ray Eyre
Passing the bill, will take NZ one step closer to communism.
Jason Linnell
Elected by the people, listen to the people.
Elizabeth Wendt-Smith
What right do you have to come into my home and tell me how to parent my children? I dont come into your home and tell you how to parent yours. From a fantastic and controlled mother of 2.
Andrew Hemingway
We did not ask for the change, we dont want this law change.
Ian Downard
MPs are elected by the public and should listen to their electorate, they should not have the discretion to do as they like and do so at their peril.
T Davis
Smacking teaches a child that physical violence is an acceptable way to get what you want.
Sean Wilson
MPs are there to serve their constituents, so should listen to them and not their "own" conscience.
Deborah Dougherty
As this is a party directive and social engineering, they should listen to both the public and their conscience (if they still have one!)
C Holmes
This law will not stop idiots who beat their kids, harsher penalties using current laws might deter them but again unlikely to stop them.
Sean McDonald
Leave our families alone and focus on more important issues like law and order, health, corruption within government, police problems etc.
MPs who have never had children, have no nieces / nephews etc, and have no interest at all in local children, should abstain from voting.
New Zealand has more important things to worry about. Leave families to look after their children, and decide for themselves whats best. Smacking is not a crime, and it is important for some people at times. Perhaps it was for Mrs. Bradford.
Peter Rasmussen
Arrogantly defy those who you represent and who pay you at your own peril.
I have made up my mind not to vote Labour in the next election. They have been in power to long, and believe they can now change Gods Law.
Colin Te Kiri
Public opinion - let the parents with children vote.. The childless people need to walk in our shoes to better understand.
Sarah Jesson
At only 22 I can remember my childhood well and all I can say is thank God my parents lovingly disciplined me with a smack on the bum, I respect and love them for it and I know that sometimes I just plain needed it.
They should listen to what the people of New Zealand want not what Sue what ever her name is wants!
Smacking is an essential part of raising good children.
Will de Cleene
How much good does a do-gooder do, if a do-gooder doesnt do any good?
Richard McGrath
Sometimes some children need a good smack.
Please do not make criminals out of well-intentioned and hardworking parents trying to raise a reponsible generation; when the jails are already full and real criminals are roaming free and killing people.
Craig F
When you are being hammered in the polls, the last thing your PR consultant would recommend is the forcing through an unpopular idea at the expense of further popularity.
Come on MPs and Government the opposition of this bill is overwhelming, listen to the people who put you in power or you may not be there next time.
Carl Forster
This Labour goverment at their peril can decide to misrepresent what their voters are saying, the writing is on the wall they have consistently not listened to the voters and this will be the end of the Labour parties rule.
Cheryl Mercer
This bill if passed into law wont reduce physical abuse of children in NZ. The only people who will be affected are law-abiding and honest parents
M Juma
I hope MPs vote conscientiously and take in all sides of the issues, not just the vocal opposition from fundamentalist Christian groups.
Tony Hewson
The repeal of section 59 will have the effect of making many law abiding parents into law breakers and cause them to begin to have a contempt for law, a situation no wise government should want to produce, as contempt for one law can grow into contempt for all law.
George Rolands
Listen to the people, they are the ones that have chosen you to represent them.
Ian Wrack
Listen to what the public are saying and give Bradford the flick.
John Taylor
How dare they - oppose the undisputed vast majority and push their crank ideas into my home!
This government has no authority to pass this b