Primary school students throughout Wairarapa have been opening their eyes to the living world around them.
Tutor Morag O'Driscoll, a former primary and secondary science teacher, has been leading the Year 3 and 4 Biology Two-Day Extension programme for classrooms across the region as part of the Wairarapa REAP Schools Programmes.
Wairarapa REAP schools liaison Trudy Sears said Mrs O'Driscoll had an enduring curiosity and concern for the environment and "this passion comes through in her teaching of the science subjects".
Ms Sears said the two-day biology workshop had been already completed at Masterton Primary School for a class of 20 students drawn from nine schools in the town, and at Featherston School for 20 students from 10 schools in South Wairarapa.
The latest programme was held at Hillcrest School in Pahiatua on Thursday and Friday and involved 20 students from a half dozen schools in northern Wairarapa, Ms Sears said.