Ryan Cundy is leading an ensemble of young Wairarapa actors and musicians for a fundraiser performance to help him travel to an elite workshop at Shakespeare's Globe.
Cundy, who was head boy at Wairarapa College last year, is to attend a three-week workshop in England in July that will include a performance at The Globe in London.
He won selection to attend the Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand 2012 National Shakespeare Schools Production in Auckland last September and from there won his place at the workshop and selection as one of 24 students for the Young Shakespeare Company.
Cundy said he has gathered more than half of the $7000 he will need to travel to England and the fundraising performance and concert at the Masterton Savage Club on February 17 will help bridge the gap.
He and four other Wairarapa actors will reprise their performance of Youthanasia by Scott Frater that they last year successfully staged at the New Zealand Theatre Federation One Act Play Lower North Island Festival.