The Wairarapa young people who "thought they could" in 2014 received public kudos at the inaugural Wairarapa Youth Awards on Tuesday.
The awards ceremony, held at Carterton Events Centre, honoured Wairarapa people aged 12 to 24 who had achieved significant milestones over the past year - either by excelling in a particular field, overcoming obstacles or serving their community, either as individuals or part of a group.
This was the first time the event, previously held as part of the Masterton District Civic Awards, was open to young people from all over Wairarapa, with awards presented by mayors Lyn Patterson, John Booth and Adrienne Staples.
The ceremony was opened by a welcoming haka from pupils of Te Kura Kaupapa o Wairarapa, and korero from PJ Devonshire, representing Hurunui-o-Rangi marae.
Former Wairarapa Youth Councillor Dan Carlisle was MC, opening proceedings with a simple quote: "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're probably right."