Young jobseekers without NCEA credits have been offered a second chance at capturing standards that could be vital to their prospective careers, says YMCA teacher Alex Hall.
Mr Hall, who is a former Makoura College teacher, said the National Certificate of Employment Skills course was launched at the beginning of the year at the YMCA Masterton in Queen St.
He said there had been an initial class of a dozen students aged from 18 to 24, which was half the maximum count allowable on the course, but a "glitch" with student allowance payments had meant eight people were unable to continue after enrolling.
He said the payment problem had been resolved and he was looking to bolster the present class roll of four students.
"This means that anyone between the ages of 18 and 24 who would like to take this course is now able to receive student allowance while studying with us," he said.