A free barbecue meal is on offer for helpers at a Mangatarere Restoration Society planting day being held on a Carterton farm tomorrow.
Esther Dijkstra, Mangatarere Restoration Society spokeswoman, said the planting day would be held on the farm of Jeremy Daysh and Anna Bergstrom from 1pm to 4pm, followed by a barbecue meal to cap work for the day.
Greater Wellington Regional Council were partnering the work at the couple's property, known as Kendall Farm, which is located on Haring Rd between Fensham Reserve and the Mangatarere Stream.
"This planting will help to provide a wildlife corridor between the Mangatarere Stream, Fensham Reserve and the Tararua Forest Park," Ms Djikstra said.
All able-bodied helpers were welcome to help with the planting, she said.