Wickliffe's parole eligibility date has been adjusted on frequent occasions since.
When he was seen by the Parole Board on June 26 last year, Wickliffe said he did not have alcohol or drug issues and showed no interest in attending a drug treatment programme.
At that time the board refused parole, saying Wickliffe had not satisfactorily addressed his offending and simply maintained his stance that he did not wish to re-offend again.
He appeared before the Parole Board again on April 7 this year.
The recently released decision stated that since his last appearance, Wickliffe had engaged in one-to-one psychological counselling which had progressed well.
Other than that, there had been no change in his position although he expressed disappointment that the psychologist's report had "stitched him up".
The parole assessment report recommended more one-to-one counselling.
Wickliffe is wait-listed to move into a self-care treatment programme when eligible, but he informed the Parole Board that he had been told that he was "too old" for that.
The board report said Wickliffe appeared to be well-engaged in psychological treatment, pro-social endeavours and with pro-social goals for the future.
"In this writer's opinion he would benefit from the opportunity to be accommodated within a self-care environment, both as a means of preparing himself for any eventual release that the Parole Board might grant but also as a means of demonstrating his behavioural compliance and ability to more independently manage on a day-to-day basis."
Wickliffe proposed accommodation and employment in the area, the location of which was withheld.
"We have concerns about release to that area given his proclivity to offend whilst on parole in that area ... It is clear that he remains an undue risk to the safety of the community, and would benefit from continued one-to-one counselling moving into self-care, and we endorse that as a suitable reintegration pathway," the report writer said.
"In our opinion he does not meet the statutory criteria for release on parole and it is declined."
Wickliffe will be seen by the Parole Board again in June next year.