The road highway had left town three years earlier, but the information superhighway was ready to move in, or more precisely on, to tiny south-of-the-Bombays settlement Pōkeno. Twenty-two years ago in March, the Franklin district village, population about 400, changed its name - in spirit at least - to that
When Pōkeno changed its name to - former mayor Heather Maloney remembers

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Pōkeno was informally re-named for a year in March 2000. Jennifer Ann Lingerie was owned by Jenny Hannah, pictured. File photo / Peter Meecham
But everyone was up for the challenge.

I think everybody took it in good humour.
There were a few people who said, 'What a silly idea', but they weren't anti the whole thing.
Pōkeno was quite small then, and the main road didn't go through there any longer and the business people were feeling the pinch anyway, dramatically, which is why I was quite supportive of her doing it.
It was a lingerie company that she had, so it wasn't really relevant to Pōkeno, but anything for publicity, I'm happy with that as long as it's clean and above board.
We had a ribbon-cutting, officially naming the town
It didn't mean that much really, except that it was a talking point.
Even in the much wider district people were saying, 'Oh did you hear that Pōkeno's changed its name to'
Then people were saying, 'Oh, is this legal? Have you done this through whoever-you're- meant-to-name-changers-group?'
And I was like, 'No, we haven't done that of course, it's only for 12 months, we're not going to go down that path'.

There were signs up saying, 'The town is now', I can certainly remember one that was just inside the motorway, so that we weren't upsetting Transit, who were in charge of the motorways back then.
She'd been a little bit naughty because she made those signs and put them on the motorway without permission.
I certainly knew nothing about that and I don't think anyone else did either, but that was sort of to get the attention of people.
Transit made her pull them down obviously.
I think we had another function at the end of the 12 months to take the signs down, which was another opportunity to promote Pōkeno again.
I've never heard anybody bring it up since then.
There's a whole stack more people in Pōkeno now, I reckon there's at least 2000 new houses there.
It's quite staggering when you look at it now, how much bigger Pōkeno is.
And none of those people would've been around the district back then, when the thing happened.
They would have no idea.
• As told to Cherie Howie