Opponents of a proposed kingfish farm in Whangaroa say it risks polluting Northland's most spectacular deep-water harbour.
Whaingaroa Fisheries Company, which is owned by Te Runanga o Whaingaroa, is proposing 5ha of sea cages for raising kingfish and a 19ha oyster farm next to Ohauroro/Peach Island, just inside the Whangaroa Harbour entrance.
Public submissions on the plan closed on Friday and will now be considered by the Northland Regional Council.
Totara North man David Keys, spokesman for the Whangaroa Maritime Recreation Area Steering Group, said the proposed fish farm's location in a tidal area near the harbour mouth posed a high risk of pollution.
"Whatever comes out of the fish farm will either go up the harbour, or get washed out the harbour and down the coast," Mr Keys said.