The castle will be painted to be "as close to its original form as possible". Photo / Bevan Conley
The castle will be painted to be "as close to its original form as possible". Photo / Bevan Conley
Murals on the castle at Whanganui’s Kowhai Park are set to be painted over, with the Whanganui District Council saying the project did not get approval.
Whanganui Deputy Mayor Helen Craig, a member of the council’s public art steering group, said artworks on council buildings needed to go to the group for approval.
Its members had public art knowledge and a diverse range of expertise and included “esteemed artists with experience in public art, relevant council staff, arts practitioners and iwi representatives”.
“The mural on the council-owned Kowhai Park castle, however, was started without the necessary approval in November last year.
“Council staff asked the artist to stop work on the mural at that stage and assisted her with developing a proposal to submit to the public art steering group which was put forward in April this year.”
She said she took “full responsibility for stuffing up” at Kowhai Park and had offered to pay back the donation she received from the Lions Club for the work.
Craig said Sigley’s proposal was considered at a meeting in May and the group unanimously agreed that the planned content of the mural was not suitable for the site which had “social, cultural and architectural value”.
Michelle Sigley had begun work on the sides of the castle before the council intervened. Photo / Bevan Conley
“The castle is loved by children of all ages and needs to be welcoming even for the smallest child,” she said.
“There was also concern over the use of copyrighted imagery in the mural.”
Wanganui Lions Club treasurer Terry Carmody said the fault lay with him for not following the correct procedures.
She said the majority of feedback on the castle mural had been positive.
“At the end of the day, the whole point of art is that not everyone likes it.
“If everyone liked it it wouldn’t be art, it would just be a picture.”
Mike Tweed is an assistant news director and multimedia journalist at the Whanganui Chronicle. Since starting in March 2020, he has dabbled in everything from sport to music. At present his focus is local government, primarily the Whanganui District Council.