A Wellington football club has been left frustrated and hoping for the return of its defibrillator.
North Wellington football club, based at Alex Moore Park in Johnsonville, noticed its AED device was missing over the past couple of weeks.
The $3000-plus defibrillator is kept in a locked cabinet on park grounds. The club, Wellington-based Liverpool football supporters club and Capital Football raised money to get the device less than a year ago.
Club president Grant Stephen said they are feeling grumpy after the theft.
Where the stolen defibrillator is housed at Alex Moore Park. Photo / Emme McKay
Less than a third of Wellington sports ground have a defibrillator on hand. A Keep Wellington Beating campaign, launched by the Liverpool supporters club, were trying to change that.
They had currently raised just over $8500 of their $25,000 goal.
Stephen said having an AED on hand gave piece of mind to everyone.
"When you have an accident on a sports field, the surety you have with a defibrillator in place can't be beaten."
The club were hoping for the safe return of the device and that anyone who knew anything would do the right thing.
"The best thing they could is encourage whoever's taken it to bring it back, drop it outside the clubrooms or drop it off to police," Stephen said.