Tough plans to stop paying welfare cash to teenagers beyond "pocket money" of $50 a week have been relaxed, allowing youngsters to "earn the right" to manage their own money.
The Government has also agreed to review privacy provisions in its new welfare law three years after they come into force.
But a revised version of the draft law, reported back from a select committee yesterday, keeps the key provisions introducing the new income management system for young people and requiring sole parents to look for part-time work when their youngest children turn 5.
Having another baby while on the benefit will defer the requirement to look for work by only one year.
The bill will stop paying full youth benefits in cash to 16- and 17-year-olds who are not supported by their parents, and to teen parents aged 16 to 18. Instead most of their benefits will be paid direct to landlords and utility companies or credited to payment cards which can be used only in specified shops such as supermarkets.