As forecasters it's our job to be as accurate as possible with both the forecast and the terminology. I've learned to better communicate messages and that a flippant comment can inadvertently become a headline.
During one cold blast I said to a reporter: "If you placed the SkyTower twice on itself it would be snowing at the top." Within a few hours social media sites were mocking me. "If you put SkyTower in Antarctica it would be cold"; "If you put SkyTower 20 times on itself it would be in outer space."
Both forecasters and reporters have certain terminology they like to use.
My most hated term is "batten down the hatches". Unless you own a big boat it's very dated.
Augie Auer used "blue dome day". I actually like that description as you can see it in your head. But another of his sayings, "ditto-day", annoyed people.