I already thought Colin Craig the oddest thing in New Zealand politics but I have just received a pamphlet in my letterbox that makes him appear even odder. On the front is a picture of a haunted, hunted Craig, and it is titled Dirty Politics and Hidden Agendas.
I flicked it open to see an image of a man's hand on a woman's knee and in bold: "Craig has only ever had one sexual relationship which is with his wife [Helen] of over 23 years."
Interested by the prompt for such a claim of monogamous virtue, I read the entire thing. And then re-read it.
It's very catchy — I don't usually read unsolicited mail — but not effective because I still don't know what it's about. Or what it's supposed to achieve.
There's no author. Craig is spoken about in the third person and he and his wife have "authorised" the pamphlet but "do not agree with every statement made nor endorse all viewpoints". I am hoping they do agree on the statement of fidelity.