Police release video from two Auckland armed robberies this week.
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Police have released CCTV footage in the hunt for multiple armed robbers, including one with a gun, who burst into an Auckland bar after it closed to steal cash.
The robbery was the fourth in three nights involving armed criminals hitting late-night businesses, amid fears an organised group is committing serial crimes.
In the most recent incident, multiple people armed with hammers and a firearm “struck” Point Chevalier’s Wapiti Sports Bar on the corner of Great North and Carrington Rds at about 2am overnight.
“They struck not long after closing time,” a pub patron, who witnessed the robbery said.
”Armed, fast and didn’t seem to care about anyone - in and out.”
“One had a gun, it was scary.”
Police are looking for two men pictured in CCTV images, “who may be of interest to the enquiry”.
Detective Senior Sergeant Martin Friend, Auckland City Criminal Investigation Branch said a number of staff were locking up for the night when the offenders entered and threatened them with a firearm.
Four offenders wearing masks took cash and left in two vehicles.
Police are looking for two men pictured in CCTV images, “who may be of interest to the enquiry”.
Police also want to speak to this man seen on CCTV camera. Photo / NZ Police
They are also looking for a silver Toyota Mark X with the registration HTU397.
A second car was found abandoned near the scene and will undergo forensic testing today.
Police found that car dumped on nearby Segar Ave, according to a photographer on the scene.
Customers and staff could be seen hugging each other and being supported by police, shortly after the robbery.
One broke down crying while on the phone.
The Wapiti Sports Bar in Pt Chevalier was robbed by multiple armed offenders. Photo / Hayden Woodward
Detectives could also be seen gathering statements from witnesses, while armed officers stood guard.
One of the witnesses said the robbers “knew what they were doing for sure”, and that they seemed to be operating in a similar fashion to three other recent robberies.
Police have confirmed they are looking into a possible connection between last night’s robbery and two others earlier this week.
In those attacks, multiple people launched armed robberies on premises in Pt Chev and Mt Albert.
That included two robberies in the early hours of Friday morning.
In the first incident, multiple people armed with hammers and a firearm robbed staff of Harlequin Bar & Restaurant at 1am.
“One person has fired a shot inside the premises which has struck a TV on a wall behind the bar,” Friend said.
“The offenders have taken money from the tills and gaming machines before fleeing. It’s incredibly lucky no [one] was physically injured during this incident.”
A photographer at the scene could see a smashed register lying on the ground afterwards.
Police stand guard outside Harlequin Bar on Great North Rd in Pt Chevalier, on Friday morning.
Police at GC Vape Shop 247 in Mt Albert. Photo / Hayden Woodward
Overnight Wednesday: Mt Albert robbery
Police now say they believe the same group of offenders involved in the Harlequin Bar & Restaurant robbery are also responsible for an aggravated robbery at another commercial property in Mt Albert on Wednesday night.
In that incident, which happened just before midnight, four masked offenders with weapons including a firearm smashed their way into the Mt Albert Sports Bar and stole the contents of the cash register.
Police said a staff member was inside at the time. They were uninjured but shaken and were being supported.
“We believe these two incidents are linked and are following positive lines of inquiry,” Friend said.
Authorities are appealing to the public for any information that may help find those responsible for any of the incidents.
“This type of violent behaviour is unacceptable,” said Friend.
“We are now working hard to identify and locate those involved so we can hold them accountable.
Police have asked anyone with information to get in touch by calling 105 - or if they wish to give information anonymously call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.
The public can quote the following file numbers in relation to these events when reporting information: 230914/9893 for the Mt Albert Sports Bar robbery on Thursday, September 14, 230915/4397 for the Harlequin Sports Bar on Friday, September 15 and 230916/8450 for the Wapiti Sports Bar on Saturday, September 16.