Music Teacher, former Minister and father of four Jamie Strange wants another title - Labour Member of Parliament for Hamilton East.
Mr Strange has launched his campaign for the seat, currently held by National MP David Bennett.
Mr Strange says family and education are a big part of his life and he wants to represent the public.
"People want real people in politics, look they don't want the cliché politician who always has the certain pat answer", he said.
When Mr Strange and his wife Angela had children he says he started to become interested in politics and "what the world's going to be like in the future."
But, the race won't be easy. David Bennett has held the seat for 11 years, and currently has a 10-thousand vote-majority. Mr Bennett told Local Focus that he will be standing again and says every election has it's own challenges.
"I don't see being a teacher as something that would necessarily give a candidate a strength or an advantage", he said.
Mr Strange says he's getting in early and already has door-knocked about a thousand homes.
"The important thing for me is to get my narrative out there and who I am."
It's not the first time the former Minister at Tauranga's Elim Church has run for elected office.
In 2013, he ran unsuccessfully for Hamilton Council. A year he later stood for the safe National seat of Taupo.
But this time around he jokes slogan "vote change - vote Strange" may help.
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