The meeting was held in February. Photo / Screenshot
The meeting was held in February. Photo / Screenshot
Wellington City councillors sat through nearly three minutes of sobbing and screaming when an American prankster infiltrated a committee Zoom meeting.
Alex Stein, an American with more than 140,000 YouTube subscribers and 100,000 Instagram followers, infiltrated an Annual Plan/Long-term Plan Committee meeting in February under the guise of a public participant.
Committee chairwoman councillor Rebecca Matthews got proceedings underway by introducing Stein - who has been dubbed a "professional troll" - to the committee.
"I would like to welcome Alex Stein, if you're online, to talk about vaccine mandates," said Matthews.
Councillor Teri O'Neill, who could be seen fighting back a smile at one point during the prank, said she thought she recognised Stein from the internet.
"I was pretty sure I had seen him prank before," O'Neill said.
Councillor Sean Rush found the interruption anything but entertaining.
"If council were a court he'd be done for contempt. It really was a misuse of process but it is not clear what can realistically be done without excluding genuine submitters.
"Maybe we need a by-law that allows us to fine time wasters," he said.
However, Rush could not resist joking about the experience in an email exchange between councillors.