An extensive wast control programme will take place in Abel Tasman National Park over the summer to try and hold back the invasive species.
The operation will stretch along the 46km of the Abel Tasman Coast Track, include around 17 campsites and four huts, and account for 110 ha at Pitt Head and another 736 ha in the Falls River Block.
The Department of Conservation are conducting the push thanks to funding from Project Janszoon and the Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve Fund, which in turn draws money from foreshore concession fees.
A protein bait called Vespex will be used to combat the wasps. Importantly, it contains a commonly used intecticide called fipronil, which does not impact on crucial bee populations.
The wasps gather the bait and return it to their nests, feeding it their larvae and destroying entire colonies thanks to a single bait station.