She was referring some guests to camping grounds and in the past had even let some "absolutely desperate" people stay at her house, Ms Dickson said.
Golden Shears was an important event for the motel, with guests often booking a year in advance.
"It's a huge impact because everybody is losing out if it's all condensed into a small timeframe, then there's heaps of people losing out. We are not promoting things the way we should."
There needed to be a coordinator overseeing the planning of events across different weekends, she said.
"There just seems to be a lack of coordination and Destination Wairarapa are our biggest enemies. They only look after themselves ... they only promote cycling and bed and breakfasts - it's a bit disappointing."
Owner of Discovery Motor Lodge Jo Edwards said she had turned away about 20 guests who were cancelling their plans to attend the Harvest Festival due to a lack of accommodation.
"Harvest Festival being brought forward is a real concern. I hope they realise what they have done - obviously they are not worried about bringing outsiders to Masterton.
"People who hold events need to look at their calendar and talk to Destination Wairarapa ... it's just a wonderful weekend and they are losing out on sales from outside the district. They are not building their business or their event."
Owner of Matador Motel in Carterton Bernard Cleary said summer was the most important time of the year, especially after a difficult winter last year.
"It's not helpful to say the least. I don't know how many people I've turned away - and I've looked at the next week and it's fairly quiet. There has to be some coordination.
"All the moteliers are up in arms about it," he said.
He hoped the Harvest Festival falling on that weekend was a genuine mistake and not a decision made based on arrogance, Mr Cleary said.
Destination Wairarapa general manager David Hancock said the organisation could not control when events were scheduled.
"We are in the fortunate situation that events aren't owned by the council, they are run by individuals and trusts and organised independently from each other. It does cause problems however, as individuals don't have to answer as to when they have their event."
There was no-one at Destination Wairarapa responsible for overseeing the scheduling of events, Mr Hancock said.
The organisation had negotiated with organisers to reschedule other events in the past, but had not done so on this occasion, he said.
"Where they want Destination Wairarapa to work with them we can - but it's not something that has come to us from these events, but we would be happy to have that discussion with them."
Wairarapa Wines Harvest Festival event manager Liz Pollock said the date for the festival had been arranged a year in advance, with the knowledge Golden Shears was scheduled for the same date.
However it was unlikely there would be much cross-over between the two markets.
"There are so many events on in the Wairarapa that it's impossible to have a weekend where there's nothing else on."