Wairarapa Healthy Homes is saluting 10 years of subsidised home insulation in the region with a celebratory event tomorrow in the Frank Cody Lounge at 5pm.
Healthy Homes chairman Bob Francis is delighted the project, which is a partnership between community, government and other organisations, has been able to help so many people, particularly those who have struggled to afford the cost of insulating their homes.
"We've had 10 fantastic years so far and a total of 1880 houses have been insulated through this programme, some at no cost to the home owner."
Warmer, drier homes meant a healthier community as well as the obvious benefits of increasing energy efficiency, he said. Insulating homes reduces health risks caused by cold, damp housing such as respiratory illnesses and serious diseases such as rheumatic fever.
Mr Francis said the co-operation between the partners involved had been outstanding and it was important to acknowledge the major roles played by the Carterton, Masterton and South Wairarapa District councils, Trust House, Wairarapa DHB and insulation company EnergySmart.