Council property in the South Wairarapa District was tagged 480 times in the year to April 30 at a cost of $3613, according to executive assistant Barbara Gavan.
In the previous year to April, it was tagged 208 times at a cost of $3733 and, in the year to April 2014, it was tagged 241 times costing $4492.
Ms Gavan said graffiti removal was part of council's parks and reserves contract.
Carterton District Council corporate services manager Marty Sebire said the council didn't have a major problem with graffiti and didn't keep records of graffiti or tagging unless it was offensive or high-profile. There had been four such cases in the past financial year and five the previous one.
Mr Sebire said the time and cost associated with dealing with tagging was negligible.
"We have over time 'tag-proofed' our property by using an anti-tagging additive to paint we use. This approximately doubles the price of the paint."
Auckland Council has reduced graffiti through eradication, enforcement and education, and is sharing its secrets with other New Zealand councils.
Senior advisor graffiti vandalism prevention Rob Shields said four service providers provide graffiti vandalism prevention and removal services to the council.
They include Tag Out Trust, which combats graffiti through removal, youth education and community volunteer support.
Mr Shields said each provider delivered eradication, enforcement and education under an overall umbrella of prevention.
There had been a 23 per cent reduction in graffiti vandalism incidents across Auckland since the introduction of services in 2013.
Auckland Council and its graffiti vandalism prevention service providers were sharing information with other councils, said Mr Shields.