A Wairarapa doctor has started a free, national telephone consultation service for women seeking an abortion.
Using the phone number 0800-ABORTION, the service has been set up by Dr Simon Snook, of Carterton, because of the delays, said to be potentially harmful, faced by many New Zealand women seeking to end a pregnancy.
The service offers to arrange counselling, organises the necessary medical tests and appointment with an abortion clinic. Patients leave a message and receive three calls back from, in succession, a nurse and two doctors.
"That can all be done within 24 hours of the first phone contact," said Dr Snook.
The first medical call is from a referring doctor instead of the patient having to find a GP or Family Planning practitioner. The second is from a certifying consultant who assesses if the patient meets the criteria for a lawful abortion, such as serious danger to her mental health if the pregnancy continues.